Brave New World + audio. Level 6 - Хаксли Олдос

Brave New World + audio. Level 6

817 000 сум
  • Автор: Хаксли Олдос
  • Год издания: 2008
  • Кол-во страниц: 124
  • ISBN: 9781408274354
  • Серия: Pearson English Readers

Описание книги

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is one of the great works of science fiction. It is the year After Ford 632 in the New World. People are born and live by scientific methods. There is worldwide happiness and order. Then John comes from the Savage Reservation to the New World and with him he brings strong emotions – love, hate, anger, fear. Suddenly, danger threatens the New World.