Madame Bovary + CD. Level 6 - Флобер Гюстав

Madame Bovary + CD. Level 6

730 000 сум
  • Автор: Флобер Гюстав
  • Год издания: 2008
  • Кол-во страниц: 110
  • ISBN: 9781408274262
  • Серия: Pearson English Readers
  • Формат: мягкая обложка

Описание книги

Emma Bovary is a dreamer. She escapes from her boring life with her father by marrying Charles, a doctor, but married life does not bring her the love and excitement she expected. She looks for love outside her marriage, and one of literature's great tragedies begins to unfold. Level 6. Retold by Christopher Tribble.